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Khan Academy

IKhan Academy iyinhlangano enonhloso. Siwumkhakha ongenzi inzuzo kodwa onenhloso yokuthuthukisa izinga lemfundo, ngokunikezela simahla imfundo eseqopheni eliphezulu ezweni kuwonke umuntu nomakukuphi. Ama-Video owabona lana akusiwo wodwa esinawo, akhona amanye ashiqilelwe olimini lweSizulu kuyona i-main site yethu.

Ukusiza kulomzamo ungavakashela ku: https://khanacademy.org/r/applytotranslate.

Ukwazi kangcono ngalokhu esikwenzayo ungavakashela ku: https://international.khanacademy.org.

Wonke Umsebenzi owenziwa yilenhlangano utholakala ku: khanacademy.org.

Omele isiZulu: Dumazile Chauke

Probability and combinatorics

Probability and statistics

Special properties and parts of triangles

Area and Perimeter

Indefinite and definite integrals

Taking derivatives


Derivative applications

Minima, maxima, inflection points and critical points

Sequences and induction

Sequences and induction


Negative numbers and absolute value


Graphing points, equations and inequalities

Systems of equations and inequalities

Ratios, proportions, units and rates

Linear equations


Decimals and percent